The series focuses on the Autobots of " Team Prime ", consisting of Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead, and their human allies as they attempt to protect the Earth from the villainous Decepticons and their leader Megatron. The show is made on the life of autobots on earth and how they protected it. In the initial season it is clearly shown that the autobots had to move from there planet ' Cybertron ' which was completely destroyed by a war which had broke out between the autobots and decepticons . All the inhabitants of that planet were scattered around the galaxy. Soon Optimus prime found himself on earth with his fellow bots. It was clear that the leader of the deception , Megatron was looking for him . Unfortunate for Optimus, Megatron (the leader of the scattered decepticon ) was already on earth before him. Both Megatron and Optimus found earth a precious planet . Earth contained ' energon ' which was their fuel or energy, Mega...
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